ICCI team

A new book by Daniel Everett on the Pirahã

A new book on the Pirahã by Daniel L. Everett: Don't Sleep, There Are Snakes: Life and Language in the Amazonian Jungle. (Pantheon Books in the US and Profile books in the UK, November 2008) "A

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Phil. Trans. B issue on cultural transmission and the evolution of human behaviour

The November 12, 2008 issue of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (Volume 363, number 1509) is a theme issue devoted to ‘Cultural transmission and the evolution of human behavi

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Book: Us and Them, by David Berreby

A book by David Berreby: Us and Them: The Science of Identity - Second edition with a new preface (University of Chicago Press 2005, 2008) As human beings we sort ourselves into groups. And once

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Book: Iron in the Soul: Dispacement, Livelihood and Health in Cyprus

A book by Peter Loïzos (Anthropology, LSE): Iron in the Soul: Dispacement, Livelihood and Health in Cyprus (Berhahn, 2008) In his vivid, lively account of how Greek Cypriot villagers coped with

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Book: The Native Mind and the Cultural Construction of Nature

A book by Scott Atran and Douglas Medin: The Native Mind and the Cultural Construction of Nature (Bradford Books, MIT Press, 2008) Surveys show that our growing concern over protecting the enviro

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The AHRC Culture & the Mind Project

We view the International Cognition and Culture Institute as complementary to other initiatives that pursue the same general goal, often in a more focused manner and within a limited time frame. We

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The origin and evolution of religious prosociality

Norenzayan, A., & Shariff, A. F. (2008). The origin and evolution of religious prosociality. Science, 322, 58:62. We examine empirical evidence for religious prosociality, the hypothesis that

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Religion: Bound to Believe?

Boyer, Pascal (2008) Religion: Bound to Believe? Nature vol 455: 1038-39. Is religion a product of our evolution? In the past ten years, the evolutionary and cognitive study of religion has begun to

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Site launch!

Welcome to our web site! It feels good to be able to open it at last after countless twists of fate - like the time our web domain got kidnapped by a Lacanian psychoanalyst/driving-school professor

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