
This is the archived site of the International Cognition & Culture Institute, which itself hosted the archive of the Alphapsy website (2006-2007). Between 2008 and 2021 the site hosted book clubs, blog posts and other activities with the goal to open dialogue and interaction between anthropologists and cognitive scientists, and more broadly to provide a forum for discussion of issues bridging the study of culture and that of cognition.

The site is no longer open to new content: here you will find archives of those discussions. There is a great deal of material to explore. This includes hundreds of blog posts on a wide range of topics, webinars with focused discussion of particular books and articles relevant to the Institute, and a great deal of commentary and reaction below the line. (We have removed content no longer of relevance, such as alerts to conferences and job postings.)

The Institute was initially a joint initiative between researchers at the Institute Jean-Nicod, Paris (Dan Sperber), and the London School of Economics (Rita Astuti & Charles Stafford). In 2015, it became hosted by the Department of Cognitive Science at Central European University, with funding from the European Research Council (FP7/2007-2013 / ERC grant agreement n° [609819], SOMICS). The website was originally designed by Olivier Morin and Nicolas Claidière. The administrators of the site have been successively Olivier Morin, Nicolas Claidière, and Tiffany Morisseau. The blog and webinars were edited until 2013 by Olivier Morin and Dan Sperber, and after 2013, by Tiffany Morisseau and Dan Sperber. Our heartfelt thanks to all our contributors and to our sponsors, the LSE, the CEU, and the ERC!

The editors

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