Site launch!

Welcome to our web site!

It feels good to be able to open it at last after countless twists of fate - like the time our web domain got kidnapped by a Lacanian psychoanalyst/driving-school professor (here's looking at you, Cybergraphik!). There are so many people to thank that I made a special credit page for them. Thanks again, everyone!

Now, dear readers, you will find many things here, some of them already on line, some of them still on schedule. The blog is already smoking, and the News start their activity today. In January, a webconference will begin, on the use of experiments in the context of ethnographic fieldwork.

If you are a potential contributor to this site - there are more than 180 of you! - you may post anything you want by clicking on 'Write a post' in the Members tab that will appear when you are logged in. What the site needs most right now is News post from the profession: calls for papers, publication announcements, job announcements, or any other kind of job talk you can think of. Blog posts are edited, and must be written by invited bloggers, but you may still submit one and ask me to read it. Anyone, member or not, can comment.

Now that the site is open, Nicolas Claidière will take over the maintenance - I will be editing the blog. If you have any question about the site, contact us.

Enjoy the site!

Olivier and the cognition and culture team - Rita Astuti, Nicolas Claidière, Charles Stafford and Dan Sperber.