Online videos of the 2007 CEU summer school on culture and cognition

In July 2007, we had a great summer schoool on culture and cognition at the Central European University in Budapest organised by György Gergely and Dan Sperber. The proceeding were video-recorded and many of the lectures (by Rita Astuti, Pascal Boyer, Susan Carey, Gergely Csibra, Dan Fessler, György Gergely, Pierre Jacob, Dan Sperber) and of the students presentations (by Coralie Chevalier, Claire Cooper, Christophe Heintz, Olivier Mascaro, Vlad Naumescu) are now visible online at the school's Youtube channel.

"Rita Astuti: On combining etnographic and experimental methods" (video). Source: Youtube @weareceu. July 16, 2009.

"Pascal Boyer: Why ritualized behaviour in humans?" (video). Source: Youtube @weareceu. July 16, 2009.

"Susan Carey: Culture and cognitive development" (video). Source: Youtube @weareceu. July 16, 2009.

"Gergely Csibra: Pedagogy as a human-specific tool for cultural transmission" (video). Source: Youtube @weareceu. July 16, 2009.

"Daniel Fessler: Taboos, emotions and cultural evolution" (video). Source: Youtube @weareceu. July 16, 2009.

"György Gergely: Learning 'about' versus learning 'from' other minds" (video). Source: Youtube @weareceu. July 16, 2009.

"Pierre Jacob: Is there a universal moral grammar?" (video). Source: Youtube @weareceu. July 16, 2009.

"Dan Sperber: Modularity and relevance as psychological factors of cultural attraction" (video). Source: Youtube @weareceu. July 16, 2009.

"Coralie Chevalier: Autistic spectrum disorders, ToM and seeing others as partners" (video). Source: Youtube @weareceu. July 16, 2009.

"Claire Cooper -- The cognitive foundations of reincarnation concepts" (video). Source: Youtube @weareceu. July 16, 2009.

"Christophe Heintz: Distributing mathematical cognition" (video). Source: Youtube @weareceu. July 16, 2009.

"Mascaro Olivier: Cognitive and social trigerring of epistemic vigiliance" (video). Source: Youtube @weareceu. July 16, 2009.

"Vlad Naumescu: Imagination as specific mode of religious thinking?!" (video). Source: Youtube @weareceu. July 16, 2009.