Culture evolves

A new issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences with the title 'Culture evolves', edited by Andrew Whiten, Robert A. Hinde, Christopher B. Stringer and Kevin N. Laland is available online. If you do not have free access, we encourage you to check the individual web pages of the author -- whom we encourage to post all their papers, vive le open access! –- and, if need be, to ask them for the Pdf. Here below is the table of contents.

Andrew Whiten, Robert A. Hinde, Christopher B. Stringer, and Kevin N. Laland

Introduction: Culture evolves
Andrew Whiten, Robert A. Hinde, Kevin N. Laland, and Christopher B. Stringer

Exploring the costs and benefits of social information use: an appraisal of current experimental evidence
Guillaume Rieucau and Luc-Alain Giraldeau

From fish to fashion: experimental and theoretical insights into the evolution of culture
K. N. Laland, N. Atton, and M. M. Webster

Social learning in birds and its role in shaping a foraging niche
Tore Slagsvold and Karen L. Wiebe

Social learning and the development of individual and group behaviour in mammal societies
Alex Thornton and Tim Clutton-Brock

Social traditions and social learning in capuchin monkeys (Cebus)
Susan Perry

The scope of culture in chimpanzees, humans and ancestral apes
Andrew Whiten

Social learning and evolution: the cultural intelligence hypothesis
Carel P. van Schaik and Judith M. Burkart

The evolution of primate general and cultural intelligence
Simon M. Reader, Yfke Hager, and Kevin N. Laland

The origins of stone tool technology in Africa: a historical perspective
Ignacio de la Torre

Culture and cognition in the Acheulian industry: a case study from Gesher Benot Ya aqov
Naama Goren-Inbar

Stone toolmaking and the evolution of human culture and cognition
Dietrich Stout

Evolution, revolution or saltation scenario for the emergence of modern cultures?
Francesco d'Errico and Chris B. Stringer

Descent with modification and the archaeological record
Stephen Shennan

The evolution of the diversity of cultures
R. A. Foley and M. Mirazón Lahr

Language evolution and human history: what a difference a date makes
Russell D. Gray, Quentin D. Atkinson, and Simon J. Greenhill

How do we use language? Shared patterns in the frequency of word use across 17 world languages
Andreea S. Calude and Mark Pagel

Mode and tempo in the evolution of socio-political organization: reconciling ‘Darwinian’ and ‘Spencerian’ evolutionary approaches in anthropology
Thomas E. Currie and Ruth Mace

How copying affects the amount, evenness and persistence of cultural knowledge: insights from the social learning strategies tournament
L. Rendell, R. Boyd, M. Enquist, M. W. Feldman, L. Fogarty, and K. N. Laland

What drives the evolution of hunter–gatherer subsistence technology? A reanalysis of the risk hypothesis with data from the Pacific Northwest
Mark Collard, Briggs Buchanan, Jesse Morin, and Andre Costopoulos

On the nature of cultural transmission networks: evidence from Fijian villages for adaptive learning biases
Joseph Henrich and James Broesch

Natural pedagogy as evolutionary adaptation
Gergely Csibra and György Gergely

The scope and limits of overimitation in the transmission of artefact culture
Derek E. Lyons, Diana H. Damrosch, Jennifer K. Lin, Deanna M. Macris, and Frank C. Keil

Social learning among Congo Basin hunter–gatherers
Barry S. Hewlett, Hillary N. Fouts, Adam H. Boyette, and Bonnie L. Hewlett

Young children's selective trust in informants
Paul L. Harris and Kathleen H. Corriveau