Alberto Acerbi blogs on new books on cultural evolution

In his excellent blog [1], Alberto Acerbi draws attention to three recent books on cultural evolution:

"Tim Lewens’ Cultural Evolution [2] (Oxford University Press) is an excellent take on the theoretical background of cultural evolutionary studies... In sum, a very important reading for anyone seriously interested in cultural evolution."

"Joe Henrich’s The Secret of Our Success ... [3] is a very good overview of the “standard” cultural evolution approach, i.e. the approach developed by Robert Boyd and Peter Richerson and various colleagues starting from the 80s of the last Century."

"Olivier Morin’s How Traditions Live and Die... [4] is an absolute must read for everybody interested in the study of culture."

Read Alberto's post here


[2] Lewens, T. (2015). Cultural evolution: conceptual challenges. OUP Oxford.

[3] Henrich, J. (2016). The secret of our success: How culture is driving human evolution, domesticating our species, and making us smarter. princeton University press.

[4] Morin, O. (2016). How traditions live and die. Oxford University Press.