Frequently Asked Questions

Players of the Color Game frequently ask:

My friend and I connected at the same moment, but I can't see anyone to play live with — is this normal?

Yes. The Color Game divides players into multiple groups, randomly determined. You can only communicate with members of your own group. If you don't find live partners, you can still send messages that other players will solve later. Click on the big button on the bottom left:

Are the other players human?

Yes, all of them. We never make you play with a robot or an AI.

Why are the names on the leaderboard (high scores) not the same as the names on the main page?

We explain everything about the app's pseudonyms here.

What do the sounds mean? Are they cues? Do they mean I chose right, or wrong?

The sounds you can hear while playing are just here for fun: don't read anything into them.

How can I contact my friends so we can play together?

You can't. We try to make sure that all interactions inside the Color Game are anonymised. That's why we have a complex system for pseudonyms.

I accidentally chose the wrong language upon starting the app. How do I change to the right language?

Go to the upper left handside corner, and click the icon there. You are now on the Profile / Profil / Perfil page. Go to Idioma / Sprache / Langue line and change to the language of your choice.

Why can't I find enough puzzles to solve?

Sometimes you open the app and all the puzzles have been solved by others. That means there's a lot of demand for puzzles and you can make lots of points by creating your own! Click on "create new puzzle" to do so.